Project Background
The Industry Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan was created by nine Ball State urban planning students under the supervision of Dr. Teresa Jeter. The overall objective is to provide Industry residents and the Industry Neighborhood Association with insightful data about where they live, consolidated feedback from fellow community members, and a collection of in-depth opportunities to enhance the neighborhood holistically. As two major arterial thoroughfares connecting numerous businesses, churches, and workplaces in the neighborhood, Hackley and Willard Streets were identified in the plan with regularly high traffic counts that are rapidly outpacing the infrastructure’s decades-old design.
Expansive drive lanes dedicate a significant portion of the right-of-way to vehicular traffic with poorly buffered off-street sidewalk conditions. Limited sight lines decrease pedestrian safety, while existing structures and lots offer little street engagement with low-intensity industrial and religious land uses diagonal from each other. 
Northbound Hackley Street
Northbound Hackley Street
Westbound Willard Street
Westbound Willard Street
Willard + Hackley Business District
Willard + Hackley Business District
7Line Bikeway - Bloomington, Indiana: Separated two-way bike lanes increase foot and pedal traffic, stimulating storefront activity.
Kirkwood Retail Corridor - Bloomington, Indiana: Stamped crosswalks and stone planters enhance ADA accessibility and sidewalk appeal.
Alleyway Beautification - Fort Wayne, Indiana: Alleys are reimagined as mid-block arteries for pedestrians and bicyclists, adding lighting and planters for safety.
Bloomington 7Line Bikeway
Bloomington 7Line Bikeway
Bloomington Kirkwood Corridor
Bloomington Kirkwood Corridor
Fort Wayne Alleyway Beautification
Fort Wayne Alleyway Beautification
PROPOSAL - Hackley street realignment + bike path crossing.
PROPOSAL - Willard Street realignment + neighborhood business district.
PROPOSAL - Hackley & Willard Street intersection improvements.

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